ABMDR and Strength to Give are now Stem Cell Donors Australia
Stem Cell Donors Australia is the new name for ABMDR and Strength to Give, dedicated to connecting patients with life-saving stem cell donors across Australia.
Why is keeping my contact details up to date so important?
Existing stem cell donors need to update their contact details in case they are a potential match for a blood stem cell patient. Why? Click to find out more.
Finding strength in vulnerability: Frank’s story
Frank, a 43-year-old filmmaker from Melbourne, is facing T-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma and may need a stem cell transplant to survive. Known for his bright laugh and…
A lifesaver in need of a lifesaving match
For over two decades, Daniela Vladislavic has been a pillar of her community as a registered nurse specializing in mental health care. Known for her compassion and…
From lockdowns to second chances
At 25, Hayley’s life changed when she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. After a life-saving stem cell transplant from her brother, she nearly three years…
“Imagine if you could be someone’s secret hero”
Dayne’s world shifted with a rare lymphoma diagnosis, leading to life-saving chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. Through challenges, relapse, and recovery, he’s…
Is blood stem cell donation safe?
As a member of the blood stem cell donor registry, you might have heard concerns about potential long-term side effects of donating stem cells. However, recent…
“I joined the registry to give back to someone in need.”
A miracle from Frankfurt: how Hanna saved my life
In 2018, James faced an uncertain future when he was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. Thanks to the selfless act of a bone marrow donor from Germany, his life was…
No bones about it: separating facts from marrow myths
Have you ever heard a bizarre myth about blood stem cell donation? Perhaps a well-meaning relative or an anxious friend shared a piece of advice that sounded more like…
From plasma to blood stem cells: Ricki’s donation journey
Why being a committed donor matters
Blood stem cell donation is a vital and life-saving act that can help save the lives of many living with blood cancer and related disorders. Often a blood stem cell…
“The best feeling in the world is helping someone in need.”
News (12)
ABMDR and Strength to Give are now Stem Cell Donors Australia
Stem Cell Donors Australia is the new name for ABMDR and Strength to Give, dedicated to connecting patients with life-saving stem cell donors across Australia.
Is blood stem cell donation safe?
As a member of the blood stem cell donor registry, you might have heard concerns about potential long-term side effects of donating stem cells. However, recent…
A miracle from Frankfurt: how Hanna saved my life
In 2018, James faced an uncertain future when he was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. Thanks to the selfless act of a bone marrow donor from Germany, his life was…
No bones about it: separating facts from marrow myths
Have you ever heard a bizarre myth about blood stem cell donation? Perhaps a well-meaning relative or an anxious friend shared a piece of advice that sounded more like…
Why being a committed donor matters
Blood stem cell donation is a vital and life-saving act that can help save the lives of many living with blood cancer and related disorders. Often a blood stem cell…
Why is keeping my contact details up to date so important?
Existing stem cell donors need to update their contact details in case they are a potential match for a blood stem cell patient. Why? Click to find out more.
“It’s going to be a roller coaster.”
Valentina was only 26 years old when a cancer diagnosis turned her world upside down.
Bone marrow and beyond: the impacts of stem cell donation
What happens after a blood stem cell donation? This life-saving procedure has some intriguing impacts on a patient's life.
MPs join the call for cheek swab kits
Why cheek swabs? Over recent decades, Australia’s register of blood stem cell donors has been in decline because we simply haven’t been allowed to recruit as…
From high risk to high reward
How outcomes are improving for blood stem cell recipients Blood stem cell transplants have revolutionised the treatment of blood cancers and other diseases…
Blood stem cell donations in Australia
Right now, in Australia, 17,321 people are diagnosed with blood cancer each year; that’s roughly 47 people per day. Over 5,600 people lose their lives each year…
Top transplanting nation, but can’t recruit enough donors
Australia is one of the top 15 transplanting nations in the world when measured by transplants from unrelated donors per million inhabitants. We rank alongside much…
Frank, a 43-year-old filmmaker from Melbourne, is facing T-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma and may need a stem cell transplant to survive. Known for his bright laugh and…
A lifesaver in need of a lifesaving match
For over two decades, Daniela Vladislavic has been a pillar of her community as a registered nurse specializing in mental health care. Known for her compassion and…
From lockdowns to second chances
At 25, Hayley’s life changed when she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. After a life-saving stem cell transplant from her brother, she nearly three years…
“Imagine if you could be someone’s secret hero”
Dayne’s world shifted with a rare lymphoma diagnosis, leading to life-saving chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. Through challenges, relapse, and recovery, he’s…
Is blood stem cell donation safe?
As a member of the blood stem cell donor registry, you might have heard concerns about potential long-term side effects of donating stem cells. However, recent…
“I joined the registry to give back to someone in need.”
From plasma to blood stem cells: Ricki’s donation journey
Why being a committed donor matters
Blood stem cell donation is a vital and life-saving act that can help save the lives of many living with blood cancer and related disorders. Often a blood stem cell…
“The best feeling in the world is helping someone in need.”
I tried to save my sister’s life
I remember every single tiny detail about the day my little sister took her last breath.
Why is keeping my contact details up to date so important?
Existing stem cell donors need to update their contact details in case they are a potential match for a blood stem cell patient. Why? Click to find out more.
“It was my way of practising what I preached.”
I had almost forgotten about joining the registry when, over 15 years later, I received an unexpected call.
As a member of the blood stem cell donor registry, you might have heard concerns about potential long-term side effects of donating stem cells. However, recent…
From high risk to high reward
How outcomes are improving for blood stem cell recipients Blood stem cell transplants have revolutionised the treatment of blood cancers and other diseases…
The evolving tech behind stem cell transplants
Advances in technology and international cooperation have improved the chance of finding stem cell donors for blood cancer patients, and ultimately saved lives. As we…